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Welcome to Risk Takers Dream Makers: a collection of passionate, purposeful women inspiring others to take risks and live their dream

RTDM: Morgan Sommer-Lassa

RTDM: Morgan Sommer-Lassa

Morgan Sommer-Lassa
God's Got You, Founder
Athens, Wisconsin

We want to get to know you! Briefly tell us about yourself: Where you came from, where you've been and how you live your dream (or are working toward it). 

I think everyone, at some point in their life, has wondered what exactly they were created to do or whom they were meant to become. As a 25 year old, I know that already in my young life I have asked myself that millions of times. So I decided to figure it out. January 2018 I fully dedicated my life to my God. I decided to walk by Faith, knowing and embracing that God would take care of the rest. I trusted. I leaped. I literally let go and let God. Every day I spent time in His word, I prayed, I asked Him what I should do next, and I was constantly reciting "God's Got You" to myself. I knew that if I was going to find who I was and where in this life I was suppose to be, I had to go back to the one that created me. It worked. I sought Him and His direction lead me, step by step to where I am now. He showed me new business opportunities. New careers. New friends. Joyful environments. Good counsel to learn from and grow with. Happier and stronger relationships. He showed me who I was, who He created me to be. In 2018 I left anxiety, depression, and questioning who I was behind. I went home. My faith is now and will always be home. Today, 2 years later, I run 2 successful businesses, work from home, own a house, and am filled with more joy that I would have ever imagined possible. It turns out, all that God ever wanted me to be was Me. Today, I live my dream of never questioning my God because I know God's Got Me. He has got you too. I love that I get to spend everyday showing the world just exactly what "God's Got You' means for them.

How do you define success and how do you stay motivated to keep working toward it? 

Success to me is joyfulness, in whatever it is that you do. It's not a job title, a specific salary, certain career, level of education, etc. Success is being satisfied with how you are living your life and never comparing it to anyone else's life.

What’s been your biggest challenge, perceived failure or fear and how did you overcome it? 

My biggest challenge was trusting the path that was laid out for me. It was not what I was educated for, not anything anyone else I have known has ever done, it was different. Overcoming the fear of being different is my biggest success. Having faith that if I followed my heart everything would turn out. My Faith overcame my fears.

What’s the best advice you’d give to a younger you? 

Do Not Fear. God's Got You.

Share a book, quote and/or idea that's impacted you the most:

Outwitting The Devil (Hill/Lechter)

What are you most proud of? Go ahead, boast a little!

I am most proud of my clients. For example, a recent client of mine JJ has completely transformed her faith. She is spending daily time with God, prioritizing Him above all else, she is giving more to her community, going to church, her grace has drastically changed towards her job and her children, and her entire family has learned to seek His light in everyday. Her heart is at peace.

What is something surprising about you?

I grew up on a farm! I love animals, especially large animals. Cows, horses, and buffalo.

What is your favorite vice/guilty pleasure/strange habit? Come on now, we all have them!

I do love God, above all else. However, I do cuss a bit. I'm working on it though.

Share a time when a perceived failure was actually a blessing in disguise.

Working in a career that I always thought I was meant to but made me feel as I was constantly falling short in. Turns out that experience taught me where I did and did not fit in this world and lead to seek God's counsel which helped me find/create my current career.

What's the smartest investment you’ve made for yourself?

Learning. Masterminding. Having a coach/mentor.

What’s MOST important to you right now?

God. Grace. Growth

Who is the Risk Taker Dream Maker(s) that inspires you? Why?

Danelle Delgado

Follow Morgan:

Morgan Sommer-Lassa (Facebook)
@msommerlassa (Instagram)
sommemo7@gmail.com (email)

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