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Welcome to Risk Takers Dream Makers: a collection of passionate, purposeful women inspiring others to take risks and live their dream

RTDM: Latanza Warren

RTDM: Latanza Warren

Latanza Warren
Inspirational Speaker
Grambling. LA

We want to get to know you! Briefly tell us about yourself: Where you came from, where you've been and how you live your dream (or are working toward it). 

I was born in Shreveport, LA and moved to Houston TX when I was about 4 years old. We moved back to Louisiana when I was in the 5th grade to my grandparents home. I loved growing up there, they had a farm and I enjoyed everything about it. I am mother to two beautiful girls and momma T to 6 g babies that I love so much. I am an inspirational speaker, founder of Gods Masterpiece and through both platforms I build inspire and encourage others.

How do you define success and how do you stay motivated to keep working toward it? 

Success to me is not giving up and going after what you have dreamed of doing. I stay motivated through self motivation and looking at my G babies. When I have felt like I couldn't, seeing them gave me the motivation to know I could. I give myself no option but to do it.

What’s been your biggest challenge, perceived failure or fear and how did you overcome it? 

One of my biggest challenge was going through a storm in my life that almost drained the life out of me (literally). It was one of the hardest things I had ever been through and I didn't know how I would come out of it. I had so much pain internally from years before and this just piled right on top because I had never dealt with any of it, I just tried to forget about it. Now I had to make a choice to either heal from it all or allow it to defeat and overtake me. I choice to get up and start my healing process. That decision began to change my life. I started to love myself and I became a whole person. God helped me to heal internally and it began to finally show externally. Healing is a process and through it there may be things that come up that you didn't want to remember but because you finally deal with it, it can not hold you captive any longer.

What’s the best advice you’d give to a younger you? 

The advice I would give to my younger me is stop thinking you are not enough, love yourself and don't allow what others say become your reality.

Share a book, quote and/or idea that's impacted you the most:

Ephesian 2:10 "You are Gods Masterpiece"

What are you most proud of? Go ahead, boast a little!

I am proud of me..This is not arrogance but instead a testimony of strength that I never knew I had. I went through some tough things but came out stronger that when I went in. I am proud of myself for not giving up, for allowing myself to be free from the past and to see myself as beautiful.

What is something surprising about you?

Well one thing that often surprises people is that I have six grands that I love so much and I love educating people about I wrote 3 books.

What is your favorite vice/guilty pleasure/strange habit? Come on now, we all have them!

One thing I love to do is write. I write down goals, that idea and often times on whatever I can find at the time. I wouldn't call it strange but I don't like my furniture to stay in the same place for long, I like change and even if it's buying something new to put in the space.

Share a time when a perceived failure was actually a blessing in disguise.

My divorce from my ex husband. It seemed like a failure, it seemed like something out of a lifetime movie and as time went on it became a true blessing. If it had not been for what I went through with him, I would have never realized my purpose, I would not have written 3 books, I would not have founded Gods Masterpiece and most of all for me, I would not have become a whole, self-loving person. So for that, yes it did turn out to be a blessing.

What's the smartest investment you’ve made for yourself?

The smartest investment I have made in myself is in my 2 coaches, workshops and training.

What’s MOST important to you right now?

Right now the most important thing for me is to inspire other women to know they don't have to live in their past (whatever it may be: pain, heartache, hurt, regret, disappointments), they can release their past, embrace where they are and walk into their purpose.

Who is the Risk Taker Dream Maker(s) that inspires you? Why?

Cherie Chandler has inspired me. I can relate so much to her. I enjoyed reading her inspiring story and the advice she gave to her younger self spoke volumes to me.

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