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Welcome to Risk Takers Dream Makers: a collection of passionate, purposeful women inspiring others to take risks and live their dream

RTDM: Meghan Sandve

RTDM: Meghan Sandve

Meghan Sandve
Muscles & Mindset Coach
Founder, Fit & Fierce Coaching
Host, Fit & Fierce Podcast
Saint Paul, MN

We want to get to know you! Briefly tell us about yourself: Where you came from, where you've been and how you live your dream (or are working toward it). 

For years I believed that being the smallest version of myself would make me happy. Turns out this couldn’t have been farther from the truth. I was finally able to overcome my patterns of disordered eating and addiction to exercise when I learned to love and embrace my body, as is. I am the founder of the Fit & Fierce coaching and the host of the Fit & Fierce Podcast.

How do you define success and how do you stay motivated to keep working toward it? 

Success to me is measured by my impact. My goal is to empower as many woman as possible. This is my true driver. Each and every time I hear a "win" from one of my clients it is fuel for my fire. Nothing inspires me more!

What’s been your biggest challenge, perceived failure or fear and how did you overcome it? 

My biggest challenge has been, and continues to be, not allowing my ego to be in the drivers seat. I have seen time and time again when I allow myself to play small and listen to my mind's negative chatter I stay stuck, emotionally and physically. Leaning into mindful practices, (breathwork, yoga, and meditation) has helped me tune into my intuition. Cultivating these skills has allowed me to slow down my thoughts and actions and truly see a situation for what it is, not what I believe it to be.

What’s the best advice you’d give to a younger you? 

Never forget - you are enough!! Fear will always keep you stagnant. Life is beautiful don't take it too seriously!

Share a book, quote and/or idea that's impacted you the most:

My go to read is The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz

What are you most proud of? Go ahead, boast a little!

My inner strength. I have had a few situations in my life that have absolutely rolled me over. In those times I didn't see how my life would ever be filled with light again. Even in the darkest of times I had an internal drive that kept me afloat. It might not have looked pretty and it definitely didn't happen on "my timeline" but with time and work I always found that light.

What is something surprising about you?

I am a die hard Green Bay Packer fan!!

What is your favorite vice/guilty pleasure/strange habit? Come on now, we all have them!

I love watching pimple popping videos!

Share a time when a perceived failure was actually a blessing in disguise.

The day I realized how grateful I was to have struggled with disordered eating and exercise was life changing. In my darkest moments I never could have imagined saying those words. Those struggled didn't happen to me. They happened FOR ME! They allowed me to inspire and empower others!

What's the smartest investment you’ve made for yourself?

Hiring my first coach to help me overcome my battle with food and exercise. It was the first time in my life I showed myself that I was worth and had value!

What’s MOST important to you right now?

Spreading as much light and love as possible. Not only to others but also to myself!

Who is the Risk Taker Dream Maker(s) that inspires you? Why?

Melissa Dlugolecki. Melissa lost her daughter, Leyden, at four months to NEC. Melissa has turned her hardest and most painful challenges into massive growth - for her and thousands of others. Instagram: @gutsngrief

Follow Meghan:

Website: https://fitandfierce.co
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fittandfierce/

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RTDM: Amanda Sapp

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