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Welcome to Risk Takers Dream Makers: a collection of passionate, purposeful women inspiring others to take risks and live their dream

RTDM: Julia Townsend

RTDM: Julia Townsend

Julia Townsend
Founder and Co-Chair REACH Women's Network, Executive, Mentor
Winston-Salem, North Carolina

We want to get to know you! Briefly tell us about yourself: Where you came from, where you've been and how you live your dream (or are working toward it). 

I grew up in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, went to school in Virginia and Arizona and began my career in Los Angeles with Nestle. After a decade I returned to North Carolina, I missed having a garden, having family close by and the sound of a deep southern accent. I was graced to have grown up with many women role models. My mother built her own management consulting firm, my grandmother was in the first class of University of North Carolina law students to graduate women. My two sisters are both successful entrepreneurs. The mantra I remember hearing as a young woman was, “You can do anything, even if they tell you that you can’t!” I worked hard as a woman, in primarily male dominated industries which wasn’t always easy. But I was fortunate to have been lifted up, by both men and women and I in turn had the privilege of building some kick ass female led teams. In the summer of 2017, I read an article about an executive in Los Angeles who created a professional women’s network. I began to wonder if something like it was needed in Winston-Salem and beyond. What began as just spark of an idea, became the REACH Women’s Network and Conference, a collaboration of several dozen very diverse and awesome women with a mission to advance economic development and gender equality by elevating and uplifting the collective voice of professional women

How do you define success and how do you stay motivated to keep working toward it? 

Success is creating positive, meaningful outcomes; whether building a team, a culture, a brand or an enterprise. For me, success is the result of passion, persistence and purposefulness and what makes it fun and what keeps me connected is Collaboration, Curiosity and Creativity.

What’s been your biggest challenge, perceived failure or fear and how did you overcome it? 

The idea for the REACH Women’s Network was born after I was restructured out of a company I loved and had helped to build for over 20 years. It was a devastating blow and I found myself grappling with questions of vulnerability, self-worth and fear. I had connected my worth almost entirely to my work and suddenly I had the opportunity to explore and rethink that notion, which was life changing for me. I discovered gratitude for my life outside of my career, I learned not to take life so seriously, I became passionate about having a broader impact on gender equality and when I began my next career role, I knew most of all I wanted to lead from a place of authenticity and vulnerability.

What’s the best advice you’d give to a younger you? 

It will all work out, whether you sweat it or not. Unexpected outcomes are a gift as are mistakes along the way.

Share a book, quote and/or idea that's impacted you the most:

My north star is captured in these two quotes by Cheryl Strayed “We don’t reach the mountaintop from the mountaintop. We start at the bottom and climb up. Blood is involved.” “Hello Fear. Thank you for being here. You are my indication that I’m doing what I need to do.”

What are you most proud of? Go ahead, boast a little!

My son, Thatch. He is kind, curious and wants the world to be a better place. My husband Thatcher, without his partnership I could not have built a successful career and who is the first one to remind me I have what it takes to get through the toughest storms. The impact of REACH Women’s Network and the gift of the deep and resonate relationships I’ve built with other professional women. The innovation and vision I have brought to brands, companies and teams during my career. I have an ability and love of peeking around the corner to the future.

What is something surprising about you?

When I first moved to Los Angeles, I was on a game show. My plan was to win enough money to buy a big sail boat and travel around the world. I won a sail boat- but it was a little 12-foot sea snark – so I kept working at my career.

Who is the Risk Taker Dream Maker(s) that inspires you? Why?

There are so many women I admire who are taking risks and making an impact, lately I’ve been so inspired by three in particular… Tory Burch and her Foundation celebrating women with AMBITION and supporting women entrepreneurs, Greta Thunberg, making an incredible impact as a teen climate change activist. Brene Brown and her breakthrough work on vulnerability and leadership. I am also inspired by the women founders I’ve had the honor of mentoring at Winston Starts – they are fearless forerunners!

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