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Welcome to Risk Takers Dream Makers: a collection of passionate, purposeful women inspiring others to take risks and live their dream

RTDM: Danielle Smason

RTDM: Danielle Smason

Danielle Smason
Stuck Relationship Expert
Scottsdale, Arizona

We want to get to know you! Briefly tell us about yourself: Where you came from, where you've been and how you live your dream (or are working toward it).

My name is Danielle Smason. I am a Stuck Relationship Expert. It wasn't always this way. I lived in deep depression and anxiety for years. I found myself in the psychologist office at the tender age of 6. I went from doctor to doctor, therapist to therapist and never really found true healing. I came from a background where life was beautiful, life was simple, parents were married, inside the home I had a great life. But outside the home there was always something missing. I was bullied and taken advantage of and it kept me stuck for years. After being in this position for so many years, I realized there had to be another way. A way to find true healing not just a bandaid. When my sister was in the Psych Ward and my other sister was diagnosed with early onsets of MS. My mom knew there had to be another way. After searching for answers for 20 years and spending 1000's of dollars, we came out dry. We knew there was more but didn't know where to find it. We found EFT and that was powerful but it still wasn't enough for us, we started to learn from other works and created our own. After 5 years of working with 100's of women we realized that we had created a formula to rid women of tragic events (rape, molestation, domestic violence, abandonment etc.). I now work with women who feel so misunderstood, sensitive souls and forces of nature who feel like they have tried everything. I have learned that there is nothing wrong with me or them it's just that the system wasn't made for us, we are feelers.

How do you define success and how do you stay motivated to keep working toward it?

I don't look at success in black and white. It's so much more intricate for me. I look at it through the work I do within myself to continuing to better myself every single day. I look at my clients lives and the changes and transformations that they have been able to create. Money is tied to success for me as the more I make the more I am able to make an impact in the world.

What’s been your biggest challenge, perceived failure or fear and how did you overcome it?

My biggest challenge has been being able to be fully seen for everything that I am. I overcame this through doing the deep inner work, pulling the layers from who I created myself as rather than who I truly was and getting to see myself for the very first time, looking in the mirror and not only seeing myself but feeling myself. I saw that force of nature, that sensitive girl, that deep soul, that feeler who had been hiding for so many years.

What’s the best advice you’d give to a younger you?

I would tell myself that it's all about accessing you. No one has your answer, you have your answer. You just have to learn how to fully access yourself and what's inside and has been there since the day you were born.

Share a book, quote and/or idea that's impacted you the most:

Imagine you have a rope, that rope has all these knots, some are big and some are small. Those knots represent all the tragic events, triggers that have happened and still happen in your life. There gets to be a point when you do the deep inner work where there is no more knots, then you get to your next knot. Ask yourself what you do that knot? Do you have tools to work through that knot? That knot is there is to help you grow. This is where I see people give up, they think they failed when they get to that next knot but really they are at the next level.

What are you most proud of? Go ahead, boast a little!

Wow this is a big one for me. I was the girl that quit everything and the one thing I never quit was coaching. I knew it was a gift but I didn't feel it. It was a conscious knowing. Now I fully feel it. I know I was born with a gift to guide women into healing themselves. I am so proud of the person I have become, all the deep inner work I have done and continue to do to be the best for my clients, seeing my clients go from the trenches to crazy heights is something that brings tears to my eyes.

What is something surprising about you?

I am a deep soul. I am not one for surface level conversation. I will trigger the shit out of you but in the most loving way. I will create an awareness for you, you never knew was possible.

What is your favorite vice/guilty pleasure/strange habit? Come on now, we all have them!

Ahhh this one. Hahaha, cleaning my husbands ears. But only my husbands. I have loved cleaning my own ears since I was a little girl and now I love cleaning his!!!

Share a time when a perceived failure was actually a blessing in disguise.

I have so many I can't even count. I look at my life like that. I have failed a lot in my life before but I look at it all with lessons. It wasn't always like that for me but I have been able to find the beauty by doing the subconscious work.

What's the smartest investment you’ve made for yourself?

I invested in my own coach. It's the best investment you can make. I have my own coach to call me on my stuff and to see my blindspots. We all have them.

What’s MOST important to you right now?

The most important thing right now to me is to work with women who are ready to truly heal, to be able to have them share their story of how they found true healing so other women can realize they can find theirs.

Who Inspires You?

Bria Lyn, she is a woman of force. She takes her life in her own hands and powerful beyond words.

Follow Danielle:

FB: https://www.facebook.com/danielledsmason

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